
Christina & Michelle 2016 Shenzhen Piano Recital

2016-03-16 shenzhenparty

Christina and Michelle Naughton have been hailed by the San Francisco Examiner for their “stellar musicianship, technical mastery, and awe-inspiring artistry”. The Naughtons made their European debut at Herkulesaal in Munich, where the Süddeutsche Zeitung proclaimed them “an outstanding piano duo”.

They made their Asian debut with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, where the Sing Tao Daily said of their performance “Joining two hearts and four hands at two grand pianos, the Naughton sisters created an electrifying and moving musical performance.” An appearance with the Philadelphia Orchestra led the Philadelphia Inquirer to characterize their playing as “paired to perfection,” while the Saarbrücker Zeitung exclaimed “this double star could soon prove to be a supernova.”  

They have captivated audiences throughout the globe with the unity created by their mystical musical communication, as featured by the Wall Street Journal in their own words “There are times I forget we are two people playing together”. The sisters recently signed an exclusive recording contract with Warner Classics which will release their second album, Visions, in March 2016. 
美国乐婷姐妹Christina & Michelle双钢琴音乐会  
Christina 和Michelle姐妹两人出生于美国新泽西州普林斯顿,为欧洲和中国后裔,分别毕业于美国顶尖学府茱莉亚音乐学院及柯蒂斯音乐学院。在校时他们就获得了Festorazzi 奖,如今她们均为斯坦威艺术家。

乐婷姐妹用她们神秘的音乐语言征服了世界各地的听众。《旧金山考察家报》称她们拥有“明星气质,一流技术和令人倾佩的艺术造诣”;《南德意志报》评 价她们的演出是“出色的钢琴双重奏”;而《星岛日报》则称赞她们是“两颗心四手演奏。乐婷姐妹的音乐仿佛创造出了一股强电流,穿梭于整场演出。” 


一 直以来,她们在众多舞台上演出,合作过的乐团包括费城交响乐团、麦迪逊交响乐团、水牛城爱乐、威斯康辛室内乐团等;合作过的室内乐团有马勒室内乐团、香港 爱乐、皇家弗莱芒爱乐、卢森堡欧洲独奏家合奏团、汉堡合唱团、基尔爱乐、北德爱乐罗德斯托克。她们还与迪图瓦、斯特恩等大师有过合作。 

For more:http://en.damai.cn/ 

Event Date: Saturday, May 7, 2016 - 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Pricing Info: 80/120/180/280

Booking Phone Number: 0755-10103721 / 4006103721

Place Name & Address: Shenzhen Concert Hall, 2016 Fuzhong 1st Rd.


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